Apply for a Grant from JALBCA

Judges and Lawyers Breast Cancer Alert (JALBCA) provides grants to support legal and social services to breast cancer victims and their families, particularly those who could not otherwise afford them, as well as education and training efforts and early detection initiatives. Grant funds are raised by our Lawyers' Division at our annual dinner and through donations and membership dues.



JALBCA makes grants only to nonprofit organizations on a project basis. Projects must fit within JALBCA's mission in order to receive funding. JALBCA does not fund individuals.

Our Mission: “Focusing on the intersection of the law and breast cancer, to leverage the legal community’s strength, passion, resources and expertise to promote awareness, early detection, treatment and support for all those affected by breast cancer; to provide programs that educate members of the profession about critical medical, legal and personal issues around breast cancer; to support the breast cancer community at large by supporting and funding major, well-integrated legal and legally-related counseling support programs, as well as state-of-the-art early detection initiatives."

JALBCA’s focus is on New York and, therefore, it would prefer projects focused within the State of New York.  However, as JALBCA has done in the past, it will consider funding nationwide projects that are consistent with and promote its mission.



Applications for grants from JALBCA for 2024-2025 must be submitted on or before August 16, 2024.


How to Apply:
  1. Please review the JALBCA Grant Application Process and Requirements for 2024-2025, available for download here
  2. Complete the two-part JALBCA Grant Application 2024-2025: (1) Part 1 - the JALBCA Grant Proposal Information Sheet (a fillable PDF, available for download here), and (2) Part 2 - the JALBCA Grant Proposal (a Word document, available for download here).
  3. To be considered for a grant for 2024-2025, the completed application form (including the JALBCA Grant Proposal Information Sheet in PDF format and the JALBCA Grant Proposal in both Word and PDF formats) and all the additional material required in Section X of the application must be submitted electronically to on or before August 16, 2024.

For any questions or inquires, please contact us at